
  • Joined board in: 2009

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  • Lives in: Topeka, KS


Brett Durbin, Director

In 2008 I jumped on a plane to Honduras in search of a worthy cause to bring back to my church, and what I found changed my life. As a leader in this ministry, one of my greatest goals is to always be as transparent as possible and to always strive to love Christ through protecting and serving His hurting children. Additionally, I have a fun goal to some day eavesdrop on a conversation between C.S. Lewis, Mother Teresa, and Francis Chan…but I understand that this dream will have to wait for another place and time.

I am married to the most incredible woman on the face of the planet, Jaelle, and we have been blessed with 4 beautiful children: Gabriel, Matthew, Susan, and Josiah. I thank God every day for my family and that He has given us the opportunity to be a part of this incredible organization. My motivation in all of life is simple: Jesus Christ.

Originally, I pursed a career in law enforcement earning Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Criminal Justice, but soon felt a call to full-time ministry. We moved to Wilmore, Kentucky, to attend Asbury Theological Seminary where I earned a Master of Arts in Christian Leadership before spending two years as a college pastor in Lakeland, Florida.