These leaders that we work with are dynamic leaders that know the people and understand the current situation. We work very closely with them, and because of this, we trust that each donation is being used wisely. We have layers of accountability throughout the process that ensure trust and transparency. The needs vary and the implementation of programs looks different. We have developed six core solutions through our research, but are constantly learning the most effective and efficient ways of serving internationally.



We are devoted to providing proper nourishment for the children and families that we serve. We partner with nutrition experts in an effort to develop sustainable feeding programs through our partner schools and churches. This initiative is our largest in the health care approach.


We are devoted to providing the opportunity for children and adults to get an education. We partner with indigenous ministries in an effort to provide the proper environment needed to run effective schools. Along with primary and secondary education, we implement technical training facilities at times to help assist graduates and adults obtain life skills and development professionally. We believe this will aid in breaking the generational cycle of families living and working in the dump.


Our goal is not just to build buildings or programs; it is to build ministries that are making disciples and modeling emotional and spiritual health. For TMP’s Discipleship Department, that involves equipping our international partner pastors in three key areas: Personal and Family Health, Resources, and Training and Professional Development.

Health Care

Disease, injury and illness are everyday problems in trash dump communities. We are committed to the development of health care for the people we serve by building medical clinics and staffing short-term medical, dental and optometry teams to provide care for the sick.


In most cases, one initial difficulty for our local leaders is to get the funding to construct buildings for their programs. Once funding is secured they can provide the expertise and manpower, but helping jumpstart the building process is something we love to be a part of. Community infrastructure includes purchasing land, constructing the buildings and helping assist with any infrastructure it may take to implement the mission model we are trying to accomplish in the community at hand. We also partner with the families in these communities at times to construct or repair homes.


We are developing livelihood projects for the purpose of reducing poverty by promoting gainful self-employment opportunities, which would lead to an increase in income on a sustainable basis.