LOCAL PARTNER: Dandora Dumpsite Rehabilitation Group (DADREG) 

The need at the Dandora trash dump community in Nairobi, Kenya, is high, and Trash Mountain Project has developed a new partnership with DADREG that began in 2020. The complexity of the problems that exist are unique, and DADREG is uniquely positioned to have a long-term impact on the lives of the children and families living and working within the community. A small team from TMP first traveled to Kenya in 2015 with Micah Albert, an award-winning photojournalist, who we met through some fairly unusual circumstances.

Here are a few action steps that we will be focused on as we move forward:
1. Continue building our relationship with DADREG and ongoing program support
2. Complete the construction of two major projects: Women’s Home and Primary School


Country Facts

  1. Country population is 45 million

  2. Nairobi, the capital, has an altitude of 5,500 feet

  3. Forty ethnic groups, including Kikuyu farmers and Maasai cattle herders, crowd the countryside, still home to three-quarters of Kenya's people