It all began in 2009 in Honduras.
Trash Mountain Project (TMP) was born out of a powerful encounter with a family living in a trash dump community outside Tegucigalpa, Honduras. The founders, Brett and Jaelle Durbin, were struck by the extreme poverty and challenging conditions that these families endured daily. During their visit, they met a family living in a makeshift shack, surrounded by the overwhelming stench of garbage. Despite the dire circumstances, this family held onto their faith, symbolized by the tattered Bible and religious icons they had salvaged from the trash.
This experience deeply moved Brett and Jaelle, leading them to reflect on the sacrifice of Christ, who traded places with humanity in our suffering. They realized that to truly live out the gospel, they must be willing to walk alongside those in need, just as Christ did. This idea sparked the creation of Trash Mountain Project, an organization dedicated to serving children and families living in trash dump communities around the world.
TMP’s mission is not only to raise awareness of the plight of these forgotten people but also to provide for their immediate needs while fostering discipleship and spiritual growth. The organization is built on the belief that every person deserves dignity, hope and the opportunity for a better future. By joining together as a Christian family, TMP seeks to bring restoration and the message of God’s love to those living in some of the most desperate conditions on earth.
Today, Trash Mountain Project continues to honor the legacy of its founders by remaining steadfast in its commitment to these communities, sharing the love of Christ, and empowering others to do the same. We are grateful to have you with us on this life-changing journey.